david sykes david sykes

Paper food for Men's Health

It was great to be asked by Mens health to shoot some paper food for them but even better when I found out it was working by my old friend and collaborator Jessica Dance. Jess made some great Faux food to shoot and i was really pleased with the result.

We even managed to get some close ups shot too.

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david sykes david sykes

Pool Ice-cream

Looks like it’s going to be another sunny weekend so I thought It would be a great time to share my new personal work ‘pool ice creams’ It’s part of my long running project called Faux food.

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david sykes david sykes

The study of a scrunch

This is a project I shot a while ago and have finally found the time to finish it, it’s titled The study of a scrunch. 

I was messing around it the studio with some circular paper I’d found, scrunching it up I  realise every scrunched up ball when undone was completely unique, like a fingerprint everyone a total original never to be repeated. 

So hundreds of scrunched up paper balls later I selected and photographed the best ones. Here are the results

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david sykes david sykes

Smiling suitcases for Monocle magazine cover.

The guys at monocle asked me to shoot there May issue cover and I got to shoot my favourite suitcase in the process! I’ve shot Rimowa suitcase a lot of times for Monocle over the years and every time I’m alway impressed with how good they are quality wise and what a joy to shoot as a still lifer!

monocle-cover copy.jpg
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david sykes david sykes

Fun food for Shortlist magazine.

Over the last few months I've been asked by Shortlist magazine to shoot some of there food stories. they've all been really fun shoots to do getting to food to behave in unusual ways. I had a great food stylist Iona Blackshaw who rose to the challenge and got the food to do what we needed it to do. 

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david sykes david sykes

Edible Jewellery

Edible accessories on the go.

The idea for ‘Food jewellery’ came about when photographer David Sykes was eating in the restaurant Castle Terrace in Edinburgh he thought the beautifully crafted dishes had the feel of jewellery. It was a few years later when he saw food stylist Olivia Bennett’s work he realised that with her beautiful crafting of food and eye for detail that she could bring the food jewellery idea to life.

Olivia came up with some beautiful food combinations that not only would taste amazing but would look good enough to wear. She wanted them to be edible accessories on the go, with an Italian feel to the pieces. The approach to the project was to create images that had the feel of a traditional jewellery shoot at first glance but on closer inspection you realise it’s a dish of delicious food. David’s composition and lighting has helped to bring out the detail in the dishes and keep the food looking appetising. 

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New work, News david sykes New work, News david sykes

The price of food.

While I was prepping and researching this project I realised how expensive the individual food Items I was shooting had become. On researching this further I was surprised to see  food prices had risen by 4% last year alone.  This project not only represents an arresting visual representation of the food in our basket but also acts as a physical time capsule, freezing the Jan 2018 price of each food item as a future point of reference. 



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News, New work david sykes News, New work david sykes

A dozen dead roses

It’s soon Valentines day, a day for which 250 million roses get produced and in the UK alone around £1.9 billion gets spent on flowers. So I thought it apt to share my latest personal project ‘A dozen dead roses’.

It’s a study of how the beauty of roses remains even after they’ve died. Shot at the end of the day as the sun sets the light change brings warmth back into the rose petals.

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Editorial, News david sykes Editorial, News david sykes

Tasty treats with shortlist magazine.

At the end of last year shortlist magazine asked me to shoot some lovely food for them. A super tasty bibimbap perfect for the detox in the new year and some alternative BLT sandwiches invented by Max the genius behind Max’s sandwich shop. The shoot was great fun and I got to work with the talented Rob Morris who styled all the food, his stack of BLT sdwiches was a feat of engineering!  

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david sykes david sykes

Happy New Year

Happy New Year I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break?

I wanted to share the final 25 of this Christmas's adventgram, it was a great year with more people than ever joining in and finding and sharing there numbers. Thanks to all those who joined in and those that followed and liked all the numbers. Already counting down the weeks till adventgram 2018!! 

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david sykes david sykes

Sainsbury's every bit of Christmas campaign

My latest campaign for Sainsbury's is out and about in the run up to the big day!

It was great to work with the guys from Wiedens again, it was a busy shoot taking place in August so was a little surreal having the sights and smells of a full on Christmas feast.

Working with the talented Katie Giovanni  a storm in the kitchen, her biggest hit was the roost potatoes the crew were queueing up to finish off the extras!



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david sykes david sykes


I'll be posting this years adventgram images here over the next few weeks.

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david sykes david sykes

The countdown begins.........

Six years ago I started the #adventgram project finding and photographing the number of that day in December in the run up to Christmas Day, since then it has had more & more people join in each year which is amazing, if you want to have a go (it's not as easy as it looks) use the hashtags #adventgram #adventgram2017 look forward to seeing those numbers!

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david sykes david sykes

A merry Monocle christmas

It's that time of year again my 10th Monocle christmas guide. I love seeing what Josh at Monocle gets in for the gift guide and this year was a great one I wanted to take 90% of it home which is always a good sign!

This year was a sneak peek into the front room to see what Monocle santa had left for the big day.

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david sykes david sykes

O2 fast food

great ti see the campaign i shot for O2 with VCCP still out and about

Was a fun shoot with the guys at VCCP and a big thanks to the talented Ben Millar for making the O2 take away packaging it was good enough to eat, your pizza from!!

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david sykes david sykes

Pots of wobbly fun

Create a beach in the studio, no problem here's my latest shoot for Hartleys Jelly for the excellent guys at Karmarama.

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david sykes david sykes

Thunderbirds are GO!!!!

Great to see my Halifax Thunderbirds ads I shot for Adam & Eve DDB up on billboards all over the place. Was also great to become part of Thunderbirds history at the same time. My shoot was the last time the Thunderbirds were filmed and photographed in the original studio that Gerry Anderson set up all those years ago, sadly now the studio is being knocked down. Was great to get to see it and all the amazing sets and meet the famous puppets

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david sykes david sykes

Happy Easter/mothers day from Sainsbury's

Great to see more of my Sainsbury's launch campaign out and about, this time  for Mothers day and now Easter.

Shot for the wonderful guys at Wiedens.


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