Fun food for Shortlist magazine.

Over the last few months I've been asked by Shortlist magazine to shoot some of there food stories. they've all been really fun shoots to do getting to food to behave in unusual ways. I had a great food stylist Iona Blackshaw who rose to the challenge and got the food to do what we needed it to do. 


Tasty treats with shortlist magazine.

At the end of last year shortlist magazine asked me to shoot some lovely food for them. A super tasty bibimbap perfect for the detox in the new year and some alternative BLT sandwiches invented by Max the genius behind Max’s sandwich shop. The shoot was great fun and I got to work with the talented Rob Morris who styled all the food, his stack of BLT sdwiches was a feat of engineering!  


Happy Easter/mothers day from Sainsbury's

Great to see more of my Sainsbury's launch campaign out and about, this time  for Mothers day and now Easter.

Shot for the wonderful guys at Wiedens.



Widen and Kennedy London asked me to photograph the food for the agency’s first advertising campaign for Sainsbury's after wining the new account last year. 

We had lots of fun making all kinds of food dance, the blueberry smoothie was a messy day having to build a tent to catch all the flying blueberry smoothie, who knew a blueberries could fly that’s far?!